Deformity Corrections

Specialist Surgeon for deformity corrections

Orthopaedic Surgeon, Specialist in Arthroplasty, Arthroscopy, Trauma and Spine Surgeries

Deformity is a condition in which the position of a limb or a Joint is abnormal, from which it cannot be brought back to its normal anatomical position.

Deformity is an abnormalities of Length, Angulation, Rotation, Movement, Translation etc. The said bony deformity can be defined by its location, magnitude, and direction.

Essentially bone deformity will limit or restrict the movement of a limb or joint, which would result in day to day activities of a person who has such deformity.

Dr Thilak is specialist surgeon to treat such bony deformities and bring them back to maximum possible normality. He will evaluate the condition after going through clinical examination, radiological examination, Xrays, CT Scans etc., as needed.


Dr Thilak has great experience to analyse bone deformities and apply the appropriate procedure to help you to get back maximum possible natural movement.

Don’t wait just get it right, please book your appointment by phone or online today.